Za'atar sweet potatoes and garlicky kale

1 T. sesame seeds
1 T. sumac
2 t. dried thyme
1/4 t. sea salt
2 med sized sweet potatoes, cut into cubes about 4 c.
olive oil
3 garlic cloves, chopped
1 bunch kale, destemed and roughly chopped about 6 c.
sea salt

400, line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
toast the sesame seeds by placing in a dry pan, heat over med for 3 to 5 min.  until lightly browned.  stir occasionally so they don't burn.  let them cool in a small bowl.  combine the sumac, thyme, sesame seeds and salt. 

Fill a med pot halfway with water and bring to a bowl.  add the sweet potatoes and parboil them, cooking until just barely softened.  about 5 to 7 min.  drain and transfer to a med bowl.  toss with olive oil and 1 T. of za'atar seasoning until coated.

spread potatoes on prepared baking sheet and roast them for 10 min.  using a spatula move them around on the baking sheet and continue roasting for another 5 min.  or until they begin to brown. 

Mix 1 t. olive oil into the remaining za'atar and set it aside. 

in a large skillet heat olive oil over medium.  when the pan is hot add the garlic.  saute until the garlic becomes fragrant about a minute.  add the greens and stir until they turn bright green and begin to soften.  add the sweet potatoes and heat everything for a few more minutes.  Top the vegetables with some of the za'atar and oil mixture and serve.


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