Vegan pointers

1 mushroom a day lessons breast cancer by 65%

*my body will not be a tomb for other creatures - Leonardo Da Vinci
*one should not kill a living being, nor cause it to be killed, nor should one incite another to kill.  Do not injure any being, either strong or weak, in the world - Buddha
*There is no fundamental difference between man and animals in their ability to feel pleasure and pain, happiness and misery - charles darwin
*I choose not to make a graveyard of my body for the rotting corpses o dead animals - george bernard shaw
*Violence begins with the fork - Mahtma Gandhi

* I am taking steps towards my best life
*each day the choices I make in my food decides on whether it will be disease causing or health causing.
*People who eat plant based foods have far less depression, anxiety and other mood problems.
*don't put rules and stipulations, find healthy habits that work for you and stick with them, always trying to find newer ideas.  Baby steps to a healthier life.
*The Blue Zones - 5 places in the world where people have historically lived the longest and are the healthiest. Okinawa, Japan- Sardinia, Italy- Ikaria, Greece - Nicoya Peninsula of Costa Rica - Loma Linda, California - each of these places ate a primarily plant based diet.  Their diets focuses on Sweet potatoes, potatoes, grains, vegetables, nuts, fruits and beans.  They ate meat maybe 1x or 2x a week in very small portions, as it was scarce.


Chicken: - Tempeh, Tofu, freezer meat alternatives, jackfruit, beans, chickpeas
Burgers- beans, mushrooms, chickpea,
Beef - Beans, veggie crumbles, tempeh
Pork - jackfruit, tempeh, veggie sausage, coconut (bacon)
Fish - chickpeas, palm fruit,
Ice Cream - frozen fruit, non dairy ice cream, sorbet, frozen bananas
Milk - almonds, soy, rice, coconut, hemp, hazelnut, oat, cashews etc..
Butter - Vegan butter, olive oil, avocado, nut butters, coconut oil
Cheese- non dairy cheese, cashew nut cheese, avocado hummus, nutritional yeast
Eggs - chickpeas (scrambled), tofu (scrambled), for baking: egg replacer, applesauce, flax egg, chia egg, agar, banana
Cold cuts - sliced avocado's, sliced tofu, vegan meat slices
Half and half - soy or coconut creamer, almond creamer, Coconut cream, Avocado, soaked cashews
Cream cheese/sour cream - cashew cream
Yogurt- coconut yogurt, almond yogurt, oat yogurt, soy yogurt


  • Lentils
  • chickpeas
  • black beans
  • black eyed peas
  • black beans
  • tofu
  • tempeh
  • edamame
  • meat alternatives
  • nuts
  • seeds
  • mushrooms
  • greens
  • avocado's
  • Rice - basmati, brown, risotto
  • quinoa
  • pasta
  • sweet potatoes (simple starch)
  • potatoes
  • corn and flour tortillas
  • millet
  • barley
  • wheat
  • bulgar
  • oats
  • broccoli
  • brussel sprouts
  • peas
  • kale
  • cauliflower
  • green beans
  • eggplant
  • asparagus
  • bell peppers
  • squash
  • zucchini
  • carrots
  • beets
  • parsnips
  • lettuces
  • swiss chard
flavor boosts
  • olive oil
  • avocado oil
  • coconut oil
  • sea salt
  • pink salt
  • sriracha
  • roasted nuts
  • sesame seeds
  • sunflower seeds
  • pumpkin seeds
  • coconut amino
  • avocado
  • hummus
  • pesto
  • nutritional yeast
  • seasonings
 not made by animals or plants.  made by bacteria.  animals have bacteria in their intestinal tract taht produce b12.  and some of that b12 passes into meat or milk.  but many people don't absorb it very well.  All B12 supplements are vegan.  

Vit A    bone growth, eyes, immune and prevents infections
carrots, dark leafy vegetables, bell peppers, dried apricots

Beta carotene  antioxidant that converts to vitamin A
carrots, sweet potatoes, yams, pumpkins, spinach, collard greens, turnip greens, mangoes

Vitamin B1 (thiamin)    converts food into energy, healthy skin, hair, brain and muscles
acorn squash, soy milk, watermelon, sunflower seeds, navy beans, black beans, pinto beans, lentils, barley, dried peas, oats

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) converts food into energy, health skin, hair, brain and blood
peanut butter, potatoes, mushrooms, soy beans, spinach, beet greens, asparagus, almonds

Vitamin B3 (niacin) converts food into energy, promotes healthy skin, hair, brain, blood and nervous system
peanuts, mushrooms, green peas, sunflower seeds, avocados

Vitamin b6  converts tryptophan to niacin and serotonin, aids in sleep, appetite, and moods, immune function, cognitive abilities and making red blood cells.
bananas, legumes, tofu, potatoes sweet potatoes ,spinach, sunflower seeds, watermelons

Vitamin b12  essential for cell division and blood formation, energy
soy milks, breakfast cereals

Vitamin c   growth and repair of tissues in all parts of the body and immune system
oranges, other citrus, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, cabbage, potatoes, papaya, bell peppers, brussel sprouts, strawberries, pineapple, kiwi, cantaloupe

Vitamin D  regulates formation of bone and absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the intestines

Vitamin E protects against cell damage, immune function and DNA repair
Vegetable oils, wheat germ, avocados, hazelnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, spinach, swiss chard, peanuts, asparagus, beet greens

Calcium  strong healthy bones and teeth and muscle strength
soy milk, nuts, seeds, green leafy vegetables, tofu, dried fruit, fortified orange juice and cereals

Iodine  makes thyroid hormones, controls metabolism
green leafy vegetables, seaweed, kelp, potatoes, dried prunes, navy beans, bananas, cranberries, green beans

Iron  healthy red blood cells to transport oxygen
beans, lentils, dried fruit, molasses, squash, spinach, cabbage, nuts, pumpkin seeds, dark leafy greens, dark chocolate and cocoa powder, tofu

Magnesium  healthy muscles
green leafy vegetables, beans, nuts

Potassium  aids nerve function, muscle control and blood pressure
dried fruit, bananas, potatoes, nuts, beans, peas, lentils, wheat germ, almonds, apricots, broccoli, brussel sprouts, carrots, cantaloupes, dates, nectarines, oranges, raisins, soy milk, strawberries, tomatoes

Selenium essential for overall good health and supporting immune
beans, peas, lentils, nuts, sunflower seeds

Zinc  normal growth, healthy immune, heals wounds, sense of smell and taste
lentils, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, brown rice and whole grains, green vegetables.


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