thyroid virus triggers

Medical Medium 

once a person contracts the thyroid virus it's goal is to advance from the bloodstream to the lymph nodes to the organs such as the liver to the thyroid to ultimately the nervous system.  

Trigger list
Mercury based dental fillings, or work on teeth
Mercury in other forms
Zinc deficiency
B12 deficiency
pesticides, herbicides and DDT
Insecticides in the home
Death in the family
Broken heart/betrayal
taking care of a sick loved one
prescription medications and high dosages
hormonal changes
recreational drug abuse
financial strain
physical injuries
professional carpet cleaning
fresh paint
summer swimming
runoff to lakes and streams
insect bites/stings

epstein barr virus types 10 different strains
EBV favorites are: toxic heavy metals, excess adrenaline and eggs
a disfuctioning liver is the true cause of a thyroid hormone conversion problem.
when EBV targets the thyroid gland, the immune system reacts in full force, and the result is inflammation.  inflammation is the body's natural response to an intruder.  If you have been diagnosed with hoshimotos understand that it's your immune system working hard for you

Thyroid supplements
Iodine: supplementation, dulse, kelp, bladderwrack, hawaiian spirulina, leafy greens (mache, arugula, spinach and romaine, red leaf, and butter lettuce) onions, sprouts, microgreens, parsley and dandelion.
zinc: brings iodine to life makes it more bioactive. liquid zinc is best.  take zinc sulfate and you won't have to worry about copper loss.  

remove eggs, dairy, gluten, canola, soy, corn and pork these feed EBV

Healing foods: 
artichokes best ally when healing thyroid virus.  hearts contain nutrients to support and restore the gland.  artichoke leaves are armor for your thyroid
Aloe Vera - flushes out toxins, antiviral, helps purge the liver of toxins and pesticides.  supports the adrenals and draws radiation out of the thyroid
Apples- anti inflammatory the starve EBV.  
Arugula- reduces nodules, tumors and cysts in the thyroid and helps prevent EBV related thyroid cancer.
Asparagus - cleanses the liver and spleen.  strengthens the pancreas.  supports the thyroid.  inhibits the growth of EBV. helps stop the virus from reproducing, acts as a gentle aspirin throughout the body. 
Atlantic sea veggies (dulse and kelp) iodine when it soaks into the gland it becomes one of the thyroids most powerful fighting mechanisms next to zinc. stop viral infections, protects from radiation, removes radiation and prevents thyroid cancer.
Avocados - protects the lining of the digestive tract from EBV and strep.  helps balance t4 and t3, calms nerves throughout the body
Bananas- amino acids and potassium to rebuild. antiviral, anti inflammatory, source of calcium, good for hypoglycemia helps balance blood sugar
Basil - antiviral, helps reduce nodules, cysts and tumors, prevents thyroid cancer
Berries - high in antioxidants blackberries helps to reduce the growth of nodules and fortify and strengthen the thyroid.  
Raspberries are a detoxifyer and rich in antioxidants that remove EBV and other viral deris from the blood stream.  helps heal the intestinal tract
Cauliflower- your thyroids best friend, helps fight off EBV and contains trace minerals of boron to support the endocrine system.  
Celery - strengthens hydrochloric acid in the gut and helps the liver to produce bile to break down food.  provides mineral salts that are antiEBV and help support the central nervous system.  stablizes and support the adrenal glands.  cleanses the thyroid of EBV and bolsters the production of T3
Cilantro - miracle worker for EBV. binds onto toxic heavy metals such as mercury and lead that feed the virus. 
Coconut- antiviral and anti inflammatory, coconut kills EBV cells and reduces nodules.  helps support the central nervous system from exposure to EBV  Coconut oil, coconut butter, dried coconut, coconut milk and coconut water
Cruciferous Vegetables- disinfectant and deterrent to EBV.  (cauliflower, kale, radishes, rugula, watercress, brussel sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, kohlrabi, collard greens, broccoli rabe, mustard greens)
Cucumbers - strengthen the adrenals and kidneys and flush EBV out of the blood stream.  hydrates the lymphatic system especially around the neck area, allows for better cleansing of the thyroid.
Dates - contain potassium, magnesium and glucose that support the endocrine system.  dates help purge the liver of debris. triggers peristaltic action.
Fennel - high in vit c, antiviral, fights off EBV.  Fennel seeds contain an aspirin type compound, acts as an antiinflammatory to a thyroid flared up by EBV helps improve hormone function.
Figs - grabs onto toxins in the intestinal tract and drives them out of the body so you can heal.  purges the liver of pesticides, old pharmaceuticals such as thyroid meds and other waste in the liver.
Garlic - antiviral and antibacterial defends against EBV.  kils strep, fewer UTi's, sinus infections and opportunities for sibo.  flushes out toxins and bacterial out of the lymphatic system.
Ginger - helps with nutrient assimilation and relieves spasms associated with EBV and stress. antiviral, vitamin C.  brings body out of reactive state soothes nerves and muscles. brings balance and homeostasis to the thyroid, lifts it up if it's hypo and calms it down if it's hyper.
Hemp seeds - provides micronutrients and vital amino acids for thyroid.  great for protecting the heart from EBV.  fortifies the cardiovascular system, helps protect eyes from EBV
Kale - protects against viruses.  killing off pockets of EBV that start to develop there during the virus's early stages.
Lemon and Limes - improves digestion, raising levels of hydrochloric acids in the gut.  tones the intestinal lining, cleanses the liver, and offer replenishing calcium to prevent osteoporosis.balance sodium levels in the blood.  helps with brain fog and neurological symptoms.
Lettuce (butter lettuce and romaine) stimulates peristaltic action, helps cleanse EBV from the liver and lymphatic system.  Blood cleansing and blood building 
Mangoes - contains carotene to restore the liver and spleen.  feeds the brain and purge the lymphatic system of EBV waste matter toxins.  Also provides bioactive magnesium and glucose to calm nerves to aid in sleep issues caused by EBV.
Maple Syrup- trace minerals that fortify the brain and the nervous system.  builds glycogen storage banks in the liver and brain to help balance blood sugar, which keeps the adrenals strong and stable so they can support the thyroid.
Nuts (walnuts, brazil nuts, almonds, cashews) - contain trace minerals such as zinc, selenium and manganese that support the thyroid.  walnuts antiviral and antibacterial that inhibit EBV from proliferating the liver, spleen and thyroid
Onions and scallions - nourishes they thyroid and knocks down EBV, antiviral
Oranges and tangerines - calcium helps block EBV from causing thyroid damage.  helps you lose weight.
Papayas - restores central nervous system from neurotoxin damage.  strengthens and rebuilds hydrochloric acid in the gut.  Anti viral, cleanses the liver and rebuilds it.  helps drive more sunlight into the thyroid when you are outside.  helps stop thyroid atrophy
Parsley - removes high levels of copper and aluminum which feed EBV and cause skin problems.  Produces T3 helps feed and restore the thyroid
Pears - revitalize and feed the liver, cleases organs of pesticides and EBV waste. helps with a sluggish liver and weight loss.  balances blood sugar and supports adrenals
Pomegranates - detoxes and cleanses the blood and lymphatic system.  Inhibits EBV and other viruses; breaks down nodules, tumors and cysts throughout the body.  revitalizes and rejuvenates the thyroid.  helps the adrenals, helps clean and protect the parathyroid
Potatoes- anti-EBV food.   high in lysine they also contain tyrosine to help produce thyroid hormone.
Radishes - antiviral retards EBV.  helps prevent and reduce thyroid cancer removes radiation from teh thyroid.  Radishes uptake over 30 trace minerals from teh earth that are specifically beneficial for revitalizing and strengthening the thyroid.  Helps prevent thyroid atrophy.
Raw Honey - best replenishing food for feeding and revitalizing the thyroid.  feeds the gland, antiviral  helps fight EBV.
Sesame Seeds - strengthens the central nervous system, improves thyroid function and suppresses EBV
Spinach - creates an alkaline environment in the body and provides absorbable nutrients to the nervous system.  removes waste matter from the liver that contributes to weight gain and heart flutters.  helps with skin conditions
Sprouts and microgreens - high in zinc and selenium.  strengthens the immune system against EBV helps reduce the growth of nodules.
Squash - zucchini and spaghetti.  helps stabalize thyroid and increase T4 T3.  helps restore your liver and support it's ability to convert thyroid hormones.  helps heal inflammed nerves caused by EBV
Sweet Potato - cleanses and detoxes the liver from EBV and toxins.  nourishes the skin and supports the adrenals.  Helps reduce fibroids and cysts throughout the body caused by EBV including ovarian cysts.
Thyme - antiviral cleaning up every thyroid disease.  kills off EBV helps relieve symptoms
Tomatoes - vitamin C to the lymphatic system and liver.  supprts the immune system to keep it strong against EBV and prohibits the virus from traveling.  
Turmeric - restores thyroid tissue, allows thyroid to regenerate and restore.  works on addressing viral issues throughout the body, antiinflammatory.
WAtercress - stops the growth of EBV caused scar tissue in the liver and thyroid.  pushes out old storage bins of pharmaceuticals from the liver helps you lose weight.
Wild Blueberries - helps restore the central nervous system and flushes EBV out of the liver.  helps repair thyroid tissue and reduce growth nodules.  removes toxic heavy metals from the brain and liver. helps stop a shrinking brain and shrinking thyroid.
Vitamin b12 (adenosylcobalamin with methylcobalamin)
Zinc (liquid zinc sulfate)
Vitamin C
Spirulina from Hawaii
Cat's claw 
Licorice root
Lemon balm
chaga mushroom
barley grass juice extract powder
silver hydrosol
red marine algae
nettle leaf
b complex
vitamin D3
red clvoer
eleuthero (siberian Ginseng)
star anise
bacopa monnieri

90 day thyroid rehab

16 oz. celery juice 1st thing in the morning 
Heavy metal detox smoothie every day or (choice c - thyroid healing smoothie)
16 oz. ginger water
16 oz. lemon or lime water at midday or early afternoon, and late afternoon or choice B 1c. thyroid healing broth
16 oz aloe water or cucumber juice every evening/ choice B thyroid healing juice

Avoid: Eggs, dairy, gluten, corn, soy, and pork
skip tuna, swordfish, bass
lower fat intake by 25%

Thyroid healing juice
1 bunch celery
2 apples, sliced
1 bunch cilantro
2 to 4" fresh ginger 
put through juicer

Thyroid healing tea
2 c. water
1 t. thyme
1 t. fennel seed
1 t. lemon balm 
2 t. honey
bring 2 c. water to a boil 

ginger water
1 to 2 inches fresh ginger, grated
2 c. water
1/2 lemon
2 t. honey

Aloe Water
2" piece of fresh aloe leaf
2 c. water

Thyroid Healing Broth
2 sweet potatoes, cubed
2 celery stalks, diced
2 onions, diced
6 cloves garlic
1" turmeric root, peeled and minced
1" ginger, peeled and minced
1 c. finely chopped parsley
4 sprigs thyme
2 T. atlantic dulse flakes
1 T. kelp powder
8 c.  water

Thyroid healing smoothie
2 c. mango 
1 banana
1 c. water

can also add
2 c. spinach
1/2 c. arugula
1 t. kep powder
1/2 inch ginger, peeled
1 orange, juiced
1/2 c. cilantro
1/2 c. aloe vera gel
1/2 c. raspberries 


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