mini raspberry and coconut cream tarts

1 c. whole raw pecans
3/4 c. grated unsweetened coconut
4 t. coconut oil melted
8 soft medjool dates
1/2 t. vanilla extract
pinch of sea salt

1 c. unsweetened coconut milk
1 c. coconut butter, softened in a double broiler
2 1/2 T. coconut palm sugar
1 c. frozen raspberries

For the topping:
1 pint fresh raspberries
ground cinnamon for dusting

first make the crust.  in a food processor combine all the ingredients and blend until forming a ball.  divide the mix into 4 portions and press into four tart pans.  place pan in the fridge to set.

place all ingredients for filling in a blender and blend on high until smooth.  then pour the filling into the tart shells.  top each with some fresh berries and sprinkle with cinnamon.  place them back into the fridge to set further.


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