
Ginger Juice
makes 1 pint

1 c. freshly sliced ginger
2 c. water.

place ginger and water in a blender and blend on high for 30 sec.  then pour into a fine mesh strainer and refrigerate for up to 2 weeks.

Spring Dandelion Detox Elixir
1 T milk thistle seed
2 T. dried dandelion leaf
1 T. dried nettle leaf
1/3 c. shredded unsweetened coconut
1 T. coconut oil
1 to 2 T. coconut nectar
1/2 t. vanilla extract

soak milk thistle seeds in 1 c. of water overnight then strain and rinse well.
place dandelion and nettle leaf in a jar and cover with 1 1/2 c. boiling water.  Secure the jar's lid and let the herbs infuse for 10 min.

strain the herb infusion and pour into a blender along with the soaked milk thistle and shredded coconut.  blend the mixture on high setting for 45 seconds then pour it through a fine mesh strainer.

return the strained milk to the blender and blend it with the coconut oil and a touch of coconut nectar or honey and the vanilla.

Raspberry Lemon-aide
1 c. frozen raspberries
4 c. chilled coconut water
1/4 c. lemon juice
4 to 6 drops stevia
1 T. msm powder
pinch of sea salt

place all ingredients in a blander and blend on high until mixture is combined.  fill glasses and enjoy!
**any frozen fruit can replace the raspberries
**use lime instead of lemon
**add a few splashes of ginger juice

Hibiscus Rose splash
2 T. dried hibiscus flowers
1 T. dried nettle leaf
1 t. rose hips
4 c. chilled coconut water
3 c. sparkling water
juice of 1 lime
4 to 6 drops of stevia, coconut nectar or honey
1 tray of ice

place the dried herbs in a 1 quart mason jar.  top the herbs with 4 c. boiling water cover and let sit for a minimum of 10 min.  up to 8 hours.

strain the tea and pour 1 1/2 c. into a large serving glass.  mix in 1 c. of coconut water and 3/4 c. of sparlking water.  stir in a portion of the lime juice and sweetener to taste, mix well add ice.  any extra tea can be stored in the fridge for up to a week and used as a base for smoothies and drinks.

Reishi Cappuccino
2 c. unsweetened almond milk
1 t. reishi mushroom
2 T. coconut oil
1 T. ground cinnamon
1/2 t. vanilla extract
pinch of sea salt
1 to 2 T. coconut palm sugar

in a saucepan, gently warm the almond milk then place all the cappuccino in a blender and blend on high until it becomes frothy. divide the mix between 2 glasses and enjoy

Malted Maca Milk shake
1 1/2 c. water
4 ice cubes
1/4 c. raw cashews
2 t. maca powder
1 T. mequite meal
1/2 t. vanilla extract
1 to 2 T. coconut nectar
pinch of sea salt
place all ingredients in a blender and blend on high setting for 30 seconds then serve.

Hot Cocoa  makes 3 c.
1 c. raw brazil nuts (raw cashews or macadamia nuts)
2 c. water
up to 1/4 c. coconut sugar
2/3 c. cacao powder
1/2 t. vanilla extract
pinch of sea salt

place the nuts and water in a blender and blend on high for 45 seconds.  strain then pour into a sauce pan. slowly heat , then whisk in the coconut sugar, cacao powder, vanilla and salt.  simmer the cocoa for about 3 min.  continuously whisk to avoid scorching.  serve.

Cranberry Cider Spritzer
Serves 6

1 c. fresh or frozen cranberries
2 T. coconut palm sugar
1/2 t. vanilla extract
1 cinnamon stick
3 c. water
4 c. apple cider
1 small bottle of sparkling water or club soda

place the cranberries, coconut sugar, vanilla, cinnamon and water in a pot and simmer until cranberries burst about 15 min.  remove the cinnamon sticks then transfer the mix to a blender and blend on high for 30 sec.  pour it through a fine mesh sieve.

to serve, mix 1 c. apple cider with a splash of club soda and 1/2 c. cranberry concentrate.  any left over concentrate can be refrigerated for up to one week in a container or frozen for future use.

Coconut water Lime Rickey serves 2
1 c. chilled coconut water
2 T. fresh squeezed lime juice
2 to 4 drops liquid stevia
1/2 c. club soda

in a jar stir or shake together the coconut water, lime juice and stevia.  divide the mix between 2 glasses then fill each glass with 1/4 c. or more club soda and serve.

Mango Aqua Fresca Serves 2
2 fresh mangoes, diced
1 1/2 c. water
1 t. fresh lime juice
pure maple syrup or honey
for serving
2 c. ice
2 slices of fresh lime for garnish
2 fresh mint sprigs for garnish
in a blender combine the mango, water and lime juice and puree until smooth.  taste and add maple syrup or honey, if needed.

fill each of two glasses with 1 c. ice.  pour the agua fresca over the ice and garnish with lime and mint,. serve


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