Dilly salmon salad

12 oz. canned wild salmon
1/4 c. minced green red onion
2 celery stalks, thinly sliced
1/4 c. chopped fresh dill
2 t. lemon juice
sea salt to taste
Vegan mayo or make your own
1/2 c. raw cashews
1/2 c. raw pine nuts
1/2 c. unsweetened coconut milk
1 t. sea salt

drain salmon and place in a large bowl. mash it up then stir in onion, celery and dill. 

in a blender puree all mayo ingredients. 

add as much of the mayo as needed to coat the salmon, then season with a few splashes of lemon juice and salt to taste.  place on a leafy green or on top of salad.


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