chai chia

1 quart water
4 chai tea bags or 1/4 c. loose tea
1 c. hulled raw sesames seeds or 6 T tahini
6 T. chia seeds
4 medjool dates, pitted and roughly chopped
1 to 2 T. coconut nectar or a few drops of stevia
garnish with
1/4 c. shredded unsweetened coconut
1 c. fresh berries of choice

bring water to a boil with the tea bags.  then turn off heat and let steep for 5 to 10 min.  strain and remove the tea bags.

in a blender blend the chai tea with sesame seeds or tahini for 45 seconds on high.  then strain into a 1 quart mason jar.  stir in chia seeds and chopped dates  screw on lid and shake to mix well

let the mixture stand for 20 min.  then sweeten to taste.  top with coconut and fresh berries, should be nice and thick for serving.


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